Emotional Healing Process

Emotional Healing Processes (EHPs) are necessary to heal emotions that keep us from being in reality. Emotions come from decisions we made in the past, often as children, in order to feel safe or make sense of a situation. While these survival strategies were important at the time, they have outlasted their usefulness. Going through an EHP is an opportunity to make a new decision and rewire your subconscious beliefs.
$80-120 sliding scale, 45-60 minutes.
Before you receive an EHP, you first need to learn Basic Inner Navigation Skills. These include getting Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled; unmixing the Four Feelings (Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy); and distinguishing between a Feeling and an Emotion. Together, we will remove Energetic Blocks to feeling so you can let your heart speak.
$80-100 sliding scale, 45-60 minutes.